Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What a difference a year can make.

The top photo is the day I brought
Home my 1979 Subaru Brat and the bottom picture is how it sits
Today. Such a difference. 

Friday, September 27, 2013


I think it's time to stop bitching about things and just settle in. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Street parked

Two words

Hello you fuckers, you assholes, you social rejects
I hope you get my sarcasm as I generalize our subculture
That once had the biggest of mouths
Now scared to just speak up scared of prepubescent teens with the fastest hands or has-been role models who gave in to their own cynicism
I might seem jaded, I might seem arrogant
However I am a dude of many opinions which I encroach on every open ear
I find it offensive when someone cowards behind tight lips
Save face for the sake of social status prostitution with a pretty face
No approval here not bought with pride, all loss for some one else's gain
Keep your mouth shut. Keep your eyes straight- a -head You might make it out of here unscathed but devoid of purpose
Mediocrity is a fucking cancer it seems air born and contagious
I found myself here-when I didnt fit-most anywhere else
Now I find it hard to relate to the most familiar of faces
Don't Care
Pardon my apathy
And my articulation
With cheap childish phrases
But I hate the excuses
I give this nothing more
Then these two words
Fuck it
Don't Care
How cliché this all sounds This was made for the individual but is ruined by the ignorant masses

Something for Nothing

 Why is it everyone expects something for nothing? I can't stand it. Especially in the line of work I am in. Working in a Community Bike Shop is tough sometimes. Everyone expects a hand out..well let's be honest...I understand the money doesn't grow on trees, that is the very reason I am doing what I am doing to help people get things done for as little as possible. However, I get people expecting things for free. What they don't understand is that we as an organization have to pay for rent, electricity, supplies not to mention pay for staff and that if we do not get support we can not be around to support them. It is a vicious cycle and everyone is afraid to step on anyones toes but at the end of the day I have to keep calm and keep pushing forward. Making moves as a wise friend of mine has said. I will weed out the people who do not appreciate what I am doing and get new faces who do. With that said I am done.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Car wash

My little girl is the best lite helper while I'm getting the Subaru BRAT ready. Should get the stripes on soon. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Street parked

Spotted this Volvo wagon while I was camping in pismo, ca. Things like this make me stop and snap a photo. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Subaru B.R.A.T.

My 1979 subaru B.R.A.T. Sitting on the sand in Pismo Beach, CA. 

A new day waits you

Everyday is a new day, everyday is a chance to start over, start fresh, look at yesterday and laugh because today is your day. For those living in the past I don't envy you. Stop thinking about what could have been and start focusing on the right now because you only get once chance to live so make sure everyday counts. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

New mountain bike day!

So today I put together a new to me frame/fork for my off road pleasures. It's an older Schwinn and rock shock that I migrated all my old parts too. Just waiting to get a new front brake and then put some miles in. 

Late nights

Tonight I'm sitting here trying to find sleep. It's nights like these that keep me up for no reason. My mind going a mile a minute but in no direction but in every direction at the same time. So I sit here and ramble about nothing. Why? I have no idea. No one will read this. No one will care. I don't care, I won't read this again. It's just to pass the time. Fuck time, fuck nights, fuck days and fuck my life. I'm nothing, I'm nobody, I'm not important so why do I think I need to write this? Maybe one day ill find the answers to my questions, but until then fuck it.