Friday, May 31, 2013

New mountain bike day!

So today I put together a new to me frame/fork for my off road pleasures. It's an older Schwinn and rock shock that I migrated all my old parts too. Just waiting to get a new front brake and then put some miles in. 

Late nights

Tonight I'm sitting here trying to find sleep. It's nights like these that keep me up for no reason. My mind going a mile a minute but in no direction but in every direction at the same time. So I sit here and ramble about nothing. Why? I have no idea. No one will read this. No one will care. I don't care, I won't read this again. It's just to pass the time. Fuck time, fuck nights, fuck days and fuck my life. I'm nothing, I'm nobody, I'm not important so why do I think I need to write this? Maybe one day ill find the answers to my questions, but until then fuck it.